Home > Prsnl References > Uploading large files in ASP.Net

Uploading large files in ASP.Net

I think below info is very useful for anyone using the HttpWebRequest class to send request data.

There are basically 3 ways to make an HTTP request that contains a payload:

  1. If the payload is amll, you can call [Begin]GetRequestStream and it will immediately return a memory-backed stream that buffers the request payload. Then, when you call [Begin]GetResponse, the HttpWebRequest object calculates the ContentLength header based on how much data was written to the stream and then it initiates the I/O.
  2. If the payload is large (2GB, for example), then you shouldn’t cache the whole payload in memory before sending it. In this case, you’d set the ContentLength property explicitly to the payload size. Then when you calll [Begin]GetRequestStream, it now performs all of the I/O up to the point of sending the payload. You now write your payload to the stream which now sends its directly to the network (it does not get sent to an in-memory stream). When you call [Begin]GetResponse, it checks that the amount of data sent matches what you specified for the ContentLength property and does no additional I/O in order to start receiving the response.
  3. If the payload is potentially large, generated at runtime, and you don’t know the its size ahead of time then you set HttpWebRequest’s SendChunked property to true (and do not set the ContentLength property). When you call [Begin]GetRequestStream, all of the I/O is performed up to the point of sending the payload data (including a “Trasnsfer-Encoding: Chunked” header). You now write to the stream in chunks and these writes go directly to the network. When you close the stream, a special terminating chunk is sent to notify the server that the payload is done. When you call [Begin]GetResponse, no I/O is performed and you can start receiving the response.
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